Clarity to do what is right - Mentoring

Die Peak States Methode–Was erwartet mich in einer Sitzung?

Eine Peak States Sitzung folgt einem bestimmten Ablauf und dauert meist um die 1,5 bis 2 Stunden. Anders formuliert ist die Dauer abhängig von verschiedenen Faktoren, u.a. davon, wie komplex das gestellte Thema ist, das bearbeitet werden soll. Trauma nennen wir im Zusammenhang mit der Peak States Methode alles, was sich nicht ruhig, friedlich und…

Peak States Therapy- What to expect in a session?

A therapy session using Peak States Therapy follows a specific schedule and usually lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours. The duration depends on several factors, including how complex the issue is that needs to be addressed. In Peak States Therapy, we consider any sensation or emotion that does not feel calm, peaceful and emotionally light,…

The Peak States Method – What is it?

Troublesome emotions, like worry, anxiety, grief, or disappointment, keep us from being calm, peaceful, and emotionally light. With the Peak States Method, one can purposefully dissolve them, so they permanently go away. This affects the memory of the situation in the past. It also influences the effects the trauma would have in the future. The…
